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Every undesirable behavior is a need wanting to be fulfilled.

Learn to speak openly by building a trusting relationship with yourself through uncovering your deeper fears of judgement and criticism.

Welcome to Illumines Core

How is it, that so many people to go Personal and Professional Development training and come out either the same or worse? Or those who read and listen to so many developmental content, and yet seem to be stuck in their ways? With Illumines Core, our coaching is designed to hep you become more aware of those unfavorable ticks that lead into that perpetual cycle. After joining our program, you will have to ability to recognize when it happens, so that you can make the choice to disrupt that pattern of behavior, and end your living hell. (AKA, the same situation happening over and over again).

Did You know…

Most people spend years hiding from the truth within themselves and have no tools to navigate to the core root of any triggers or how to resolve them.

Knowing how challenging it can be to attempt this alone is why I have developed the “Illumines Core Conscious Navigation Program”

  • ·       Learn how to connect and navigate both the conscious and sub-conscious systems.
  • ·       Learn mindfulness techniques to apply in your daily life to cultivate the most harmony within yourself.
  • ·       Uncover and heal the core of issues that evaded your previous healing attempts.
  • ·       Gain techniques to clearly communicate in all your relations to create understanding and growth for all.
  • ·       Find liberation through vocalizing for your inner child. 

Are you ready to remove the blindfold, discover the deeper truths within you and begin living the life you have always wanted?



“when I call her up about a hard conversation that I had, or something I’m struggling with, she always brings it back to how does that affect you and how can you learn more about yourself.”


“I was able to discover a lot about myself, she was very impactful and empathic.. really doesn’t take anything, if you try to bs her she will call you out on it. She will hold you accountable and help you through your stuff let’s say..”


“Angela is patient, assertive and direct, but not in an initiative way… Her number 1 gift is being non judgmental.”

How It Works

It is the mission of Illumines Core to provide a platform for individuals, families, and professionals who are undergoing major life decisions with strategic communication, focused coaching, and insight. Making clear and necessary changes that will encourage them to take steps toward a bright and fulfilling future with renewed passion, vision, and resiliency.

Our purpose is to help you see all parts of yourself by being a mirror to your reactions in the moment. There is no better way than to practice in the moment, as our trained coaches mindfully and skillfully activate your habitual triggers so that you can work through them, helping to undo the unwanted patterns of behavior. By going through this process, it will allow you to slowly break out of your mold.


  • Triggers (in the moment) based on past events
  • Shock States (auto-piloting) back into the body
  • Blocks (mental & emotional) subconscious

Contact Us Now For A Free Consultation!

Are you having internal knots and unexplored past that needs to be addressed? Illumines Core provide guidance for individuals and families to find truths within themselves, untying those mental knots. Give us a call or fill out the form to talk to a professional!

How do you Auto-Pilot?

What we have learned through years of observation is that the mind will override one’s desires. From our experience, students often relate to words such as “we know through our own experiences that our actions don’t always match our desires. Or we often act in a way that is against our own best interest”.  This is because muscle memory from triggers will put people into a state of autopilot in order to manage and handle a situation. (“the same things keeps happening to me or around me”, statements). As human beings, we are creatures of habit and will automatically respond to situations or people based on habits of behavior. In order to work out of those cycles, we must interrupt those patterns of behavior and bring them to one’s awareness on a conscious level. (This means reflecting back the behavior, body language, words, and facial expressions to your awareness).

The Programs

We have a variety of different programs that turn the focus on passion for professionals, empowerment for the self, and communication for families. Through these programs you will become aware of what you have been taught in your subconscious and release the emotional “baggage” is the source of many bodily tension and ailments

1 On 1 Introspective Sessions

Have a look deep within yourself with the guidance of a professional. Explore your mind and find alignment and harmony with your new findings with the guidance of a professional coach.  


Challenge yourself with self growth! The Coaching Challenges tests your responsibility and accountability that you should be demanding for yourself. It is time to readjust and step into the uncomfortable areas to make new life changing growth for you and those around you.

Family Programs

Take a carefully guided journey with our specialized coach to strengthen the bond within your family. This program will create deep emotional understandings between the members of the family by creating new stories, and exploring the past between one another.